Аутор: admin

16 јан 2024


Đokić, D., Zekić, S., Brcanov, D., & Matkovski, B. (2023). Estimation of contribution of production factors to an agricultural output change in emerging and developing Europe. Outlook on Agriculture, 00307270231221811.

Countries of Emerging and Developing Europe (EDE) significantly transformed their agri-food sector in the last decades, and it has specific implications for agricultural tendencies and the economy of these countries. This research focuses on the sources of growth of agricultural production in countries belonging to EDE, as the former communist countries classified by the International Monetary Fund. This group of countries is particularly interesting because there is room for further growth in agricultural production, which can be crucial in times of crisis. This article’s main objective is to estimate agriculture’s production function and analyze the relationship between agricultural output and used inputs. Based on data for the period 2008 to 2019, results showed that the increase in the use of mineral fertilizers is a key source of production growth among production factors. Due to the economic importance of fertilizer use and its environmental effect, it can be concluded that agricultural policy must be created carefully in these countries to achieve a balance between economic, social, and environmental goals.


01 јул 2023


Predmet Osnove agrarne ekonomije je realizovan kao obavezni predmet za studente druge godine osnovnih studija. Predmet Agrarna politika Evropske unije realizovan je na trećoj godini osnovnih studija kao izborni predmet na Ekonomskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Novom Sadu. 

Oba predmeta su realizovana u školskoj 2022/2023. godini, u toku letnje semestra. Broj studenata koji su slušali predmet Osnove agrarne ekonomije je 410, dok je broj studenata na predmetu Agrarna politika Evropske unije iznosio 77.

07 јун 2023


Finale AgriCOM Challenge 2 je održano u sredi, 7. juna 2023. godine. Svoja rešenja pred stručnim žirijem u sastavu Ranko Jurjević (marketing agencija Solution), Bojan Vilaret (kompanija Gombit) i Bojan Matkovski (rukovodilac AgriCOM projekta), prezentovalo je sedam timova.

Prvo mesto osvojio je tim pod nazivom PARTNERKE U USPEHU koji su činili: Jelena Miljević, Teodora Santrač, Mirta Živić, Aleksandra Makljenović i Ivana Maričić.

Svim učesnicima su dodeljeni sertifikati za pohađanje kursa i učestvovanja na AgriCOM Challenge 2.

31 мај 2023


Finale takmičenja u rešavanju studije slučaja „AgriCOM Challenge 2“ će se održati u Novom Sadu, 7. juna sa početkom od 10:00 časova u zgradi Rektorata Univerziteta u Novom Sadu – Multifunkcionalna sala II-13.

22 мај 2023


Đokić D., Matkovski B., Jeremić M., Đurić I. (2022). Land Productivity and Agri-Environmental Indicators: A Case Study of Western Balkans. Land11(12), 2216. (SCI. IF2021=3,905) ISSN: 2073-445X, M22

Due to the environmental radicalization of European politics, which is reflected in the European Green Deal, Farm to Fork strategy, and new CAP 2023–2027, this paper aims to determine the impact of agri-environmental indicators on soil productivity based on the land productivity function model. The paper focuses on the Western Balkans countries, which are in the process of European integration and which, in the coming period, need to harmonize their agricultural policy with the CAP. First, the aggregate Cobb–Douglas production function has been used to create a land productivity function. Then, the sources of land productivity growth have been calculated, which can be particularly interesting in the context of agri-environmental indicators, such as fertilizer use and livestock density. The research results showed that land productivity is the most elastic concerning changes in the number of livestock units per hectare. Consequently, reducing livestock units had a markedly negative effect on productivity. In addition, the research results showed that using mineral fertilizers is a crucial source of growth in land productivity in these countries. These results imply that the creators of the agricultural policy must carefully assess the pace at which they will harmonize ecological and economic goals, especially if they take into account the current Ukraine crisis that can disrupt the food market.


22 мај 2023


Jurjević Ž., Zekić S., Matkovski B.,Đokić D. (2022). Sustainability of Small Farms in Serbia: A Comparative Analysis with the European Union. Agronomy, 12(11), 2726. (SCI, IF2021=3,949) ISSN: 2073-4395, M21

Throughout the EU, small farms have varying degrees of importance, which points to the need to analyse the role of small farms. This study, in addition to EU countries, includes Serbia, a candidate country for EU membership. This study aims to provide an overview of agriculture’s structural characteristics by creating an Index of Agricultural Structural Characteristics (ASC Index). The analysis was carried out at the regional level, which provides a more detailed overview of the structural characteristics of agriculture in the EU and Serbia. The results indicate several regional differences in the EU along north–south and west–east divisions. Serbian agriculture is predominantly made up of small farms and corresponds to the southern model of European agriculture. In terms of the west–east division, Serbian agriculture also corresponds to the structure of Central and Eastern Europe countries (CEEC), with which it shares a historical heritage of a centrally planned economy. Changes in Serbian agricultural policy must be directed toward regions with unfavourable structural characteristics. Special attention should be given to small farms in cases where there is potential to improve competitiveness and where there is a good basis for improving the social sustainability of rural areas.


12 мај 2023


U okviru projekta AgriCOM u periodu od 17.4. do 12.5.2023. godine održane su radionce u okviru kursa Konkurentnost poljoprivredno-prehrambenog sektora zemalja Zapadnog Balkana. Radionice su vodili doc. dr Danilo Đokić, doc. dr Žana Jurjević i doc. dr Ksenija Leković.

05 мај 2023


U okviru AgriCOM projekta studentima u Subotici su održana stručna predavanja eksperata iz kompanija Coca-Cola HBC Srbija i Neoplanta.