AgriCOM Challenge je održan u ponedeljak, 28. marta 2022. godine. Svoja rešenja pred stručnim žirijem u sastavu Ranko Jurjević (marketing agencija Solution), Slaviša Joldić (kompanija Jakovov) i Žana Jurjević (član AgriCOM tima), prezentovalo je pet timova.
Prvo mesto osvojio je tim pod nazivom AGRO 3+1 koji su činili: Luna Jović, Dragan Ivanišević, Reka Korhec i Ivana Tubmas.
Svim učesnicima su dodeljeni sertifikati za pohađanje kursa i učestvovanja na AgriCOM Challenge.
U okviru projekta AgriCOM u periodu od 28.2. do 14.3.2022. godine održane su radionce u okviru kursa Konkurentnost poljoprivredno-prehrambenog sektora zemalja Zapadnog Balkana. Radionice su vodili doc. dr Bojan Matkovski, prof. dr Mirko Savić i doc. dr Danilo Đokić.
U toku februara i marta 2022. godine u okviru ERASMUS+ Jean Monnet projekta AgriCOM organizujemo takmičenje u rešavanju studije slučaja AGRICOM CHALLENGE! Učesnici će biti podelјeni u grupe, a studija slučaja će biti formulisana kao realna problemska situacija kompanije JAKOVOV, koja se bavi proizvodnjom inovativnog proizvoda – 100% prirodnog prah-brašna.
Pored toga, organizovaćemo seriju radionica koje će vam biti od pomoći prilikom rešavanja same studije slučaja, a čija osnovni fokus je unapređenje konkurentnosti na tržištu hrane.
Radionice i prezentacija rešenja će biti organizovani online, dok će za rad u grupama biti obezbeđene prostorije na fakultetu.
Takmičenje je namenjeno studentima završnih godina studija (osnovnih i master), a prijave su otvorene do 27. februara. Broj mesta je ograničen!
Matkovski, B., Zekić, S., Đokić, D., Jurjević, Ž., & Đurić, I. (2022). Export competitiveness of agri-food sector during the EU integration process: Evidence from the Western Balkans. Foods, 11(1), 10.
Trade agreements with the European Union (EU) and Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) significantly influenced the liberalisation of agri-food products in Western Balkan (WB) countries. In all Western Balkan countries, there has been an intensification of the trade of agri-food products and a partial change in the regional and commodity structures of trade. This paper aims to identify comparative advantages of agri-food sectors and consider its tendencies during the EU integration process. Additionally, this paper will discuss some opportunities for improvement of the export positions of agri-food products. In that context and based on the literature review, the indexes of revealed comparative advantages and its modified version will be used as a main method for analysis in this research. Results showed that all Western Balkan countries, except Albania, have comparative advantages in exporting agri-food products. It is evident that Serbia has the highest level of comparative advantages in this sector. Moreover, this paper suggests that all countries should aim to provide the best possible positions for their agri-food products during pre-accession negotiations for EU membership and take the necessary steps towards increasing the level of competitiveness in the common EU market.
Jurjević Ž., Zekić S., Đokić D., Matkovski B. (2021). Regional Spatial Approach to Differences in Rural Economic Development: Insights from Serbia, Land, 10(11), 1211.
Rural regions with a larger share of the primary sector in the overall economy are limited in their ability to achieve a sufficient level of competitiveness. In countries such as Serbia, where rural areas play an important role, addressing the problems affecting these areas is important for overall development. The purpose of this study is to determine the socioeconomic performance of the rural regions of Serbia and the EU in order to indicate the position of Serbia’s rural areas in the process of European integration. NUTS 3 (NUTS 2 for Germany) was used for analysis, and from this an Index of Socioeconomic Performance was created. This Index was created using Factor Analysis. The results point to Serbia lagging behind other EU regions in terms of development, with most of Serbia’s rural regions receiving the lowest ratings. These results are cause for alarm and indicate a need to create strategies that will direct resources towards key issues in these areas, whose potential would be adequately used through the implementation of rural policy measures, with the aim of overall socioeconomic development.
U okviru #eramusdays naš kolega Danilo Đokić, član projektnog tima AgriCOM, prezentovao je projekat i predstojeće kurseve i takmičenje AgriCOM CHALLENGE.
Predmet Agrarna politika Evropske unije realizovan je na trećoj godini osnovnih studija kao izborni predmet na Ekonomskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Novom Sadu. Kako je osnovni cilj projekta širenje znanja o EU i njenim politikama, sa akcentom na poljoprivrednu i ruralnu politiku EU, navedeni cilj se ostvaruje kroz inovaciju nastavnih planova i programa u postojećem predmetu APEU.
Prema odlukama Fakulteta, nastava u letnjem semestru školske 2020/2021. godine organizovana je onlajn zbog pandemije COVID-19. Online časovi (predavanja i tutorijali) su se održavali preko ZOOM platforme. Tokom kursa studenti su mogli da preuzmu sve materijale (knjige, prezentacije, studije slučaja) preko Moodle platforme. Ukupan broj polaznika kursa bio je 41.