During February and March 2022, within the ERASMUS + Jean Monnet project AgriCOM, we are organizing a competition in solving the case study AGRICOM CHALLENGE! Participants will be divided into groups, and the case study will be formulated as a real problem situation of the company JAKOVOV, which is engaged in the production of an innovative product.

In addition, we will organize a series of workshops that will help you solve the case study itself, and whose main focus is to improve competitiveness in the food market.

The competition is intended for final year students (bachelor and master), and applications are open until February 27. Number of participants is limited!



28.2.2022. Presentation of the study and division into groups
Workshop on digital marketing and solving the study in groups
7.3.2022.          Workshop on econometric modeling and solving the study in groups
14.3.2022.              Workshop on investment analysis and solving the study in groups
28.3.2022.       Presentation of the solution and announcement of the winner by an expert jury

A certificate will be provided for all participants in competitions and workshops.

Take this great opportunity to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in solving a specific case study.

Questions on or Instagram profile agro_efsu!