The results of the AgriCOM project in numbers:

The course Introduction to Agricultural Economics was implemented as a compulsory course for students of the second year of basic studies, in the academic year 2023/2024. year. The number of students who finished the Introduction to Agricultural Economics course is 478. As the main goal of the project is to spread knowledge about the EU and its policies, with an emphasis on the agricultural and rural policy of the EU, the stated goal is achieved through the new curriculum within this course.
The new scientific work of our project team members was presented at the XIV International Symposium ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT AND COMPETITIVENESS (EMC 2024).
The work is the result of work on the Erasmus+ project AgriCOM.
Authors of the paper: Bojan Matkovski, Stanislav Zekić, Žana Jurjević, Danilo Đokić
The AgriCOM Challenge 3 final was held on May 21, 2024. Their solutions before the expert jury consisting of Žana Jurjević (AgriCOM team member), Andriana Janićijević (Coca-Cola HBC Serbia), Borislav Andrić (Coca-Cola HBC Serbia), Marija Trivanović (Coca-Cola HBC Serbia), Mirjana Pisarić (Coca- Cola HBC Serbia).
First place was won by a team called SIZIFY, which consisted of: Teodora Spasojević; Dušan Milošević; Rada Burmazović and Nevena Pavlović.
All participants were awarded certificates for attending the course and participating in the AgriCOM Challenge 3.
The finals of the “AgriCOM Challenge 3” case study competition will be held in Novi Sad on May 21, starting at 12:00 a.m. in the building of the Rectorate of the University of Novi Sad – Multifunctional Hall II-13.
Within the framework of the AgriCOM project, in the period from April 24 to May 15, 2024, workshops were held within the course Competitiveness of the agricultural and food sector of the Western Balkan countries. The workshops were led by Asst. Prof. Danilo Đokić, Asst. Prof. Bojan Markovski and Asst. Prof. Žana Jurjević.
As part of the AgriCOM project, professional lectures by experts from Mercator and Coca-Cola HBC Serbia were held for students in Subotica.
Dear colleagues, in April and May 2024, as part of the ERASMUS+ Jean Monnet project AgriCOM, we are organizing the AgriCOM CHALLENGE 3 case study competition!
The case study will be formulated as a real problem situation of the company COCA-COLA HBC Serbia.
In addition, representatives of the company COCA-COLA HBC Serbia will organize a series of trainings for you that will be helpful when solving the case study itself and whose primary focus is improving market competitiveness.
The competition is intended for students in the 3rd and 4th year of undergraduate studies and master’s studies.
One team can count from 3 to 4 members.
Applications are open until April 8th.
The number of participants is limited!
Applications at the link:
8-12.04. | Presentation of the case study |
15.4.-10.05. | Education by the company COCA-COLA HBC |
13.05. | Deadline for submission of solutions |
20.05.-24.05. | Presentation of the solution and announcement of the winner by an expert jury |
A certificate will be provided for all participants in competitions and workshops.
Use this excellent opportunity to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in solving a concrete case study.
You can ask all questions by e-mail: or on Instagram profile: agro_efsu!
New scientific paper has just been published on the Outlook on Agriculture journal SCI list (IF 3,0; M22).
This research is results of the Erasmus+ project AgriCOM.
Title: Estimation of contribution of production factors to an agricultural output change in Emerging and Developing Europe
Authors: Danilo Đokić, Stanislav Zekić, Dejan Brcanov, Bojan Matkovski
The course Introduction to Agricultural Economics was implemented as a compulsory course for students of the second year of undergraduate studies. The subject Agricultural Policy of the European Union was implemented in the third year of undergraduate studies as an elective subject at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Novi Sad.
Both subjects were realized in the 2022/2023 school year, during the summer semester. The number of students who took the Introduction to Agricultural Economics course was 410, while the number of students in the Agricultural Policy of the European Union course was 77.