Mastering basic knowledge in the field of agricultural economy and agrobusiness, as well as knowledge in the field of agricultural and rural development in the EU and Serbia, and understanding the implications of the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU and the agricultural policy of Serbia. MORE Courses Intensive Training Course Competitiveness of agri-food sector of Western Balkans – implications of pre-accession support MORE Scientific Research Publishing scientific papers in prominent international journals as well as international conferences. MORE

Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module – Agricultural Policy of European Union and its influence on competitiveness of agri-food products of Serbia (AgriCOM)


The Faculty of Economics in Subotica, University of Novi Sad is the coordinator of the AgriCOM project. The main objective of the project is to disseminate knowledge about the EU and its policies, with an emphasis on EU agricultural and rural policies. A particular focus will be on the issues of agri-food competitiveness of Serbia and opportunities for growth of this sector.

Project No. 620128-EPP-1-2020-1-RS-EPPJMO-MODULE


Our project team is responsible for the planning and implementation of the AgriCOM project.

Grant Agreement

Grant Agreement for the project Agricultural Policy of European Union and its influence on competitiveness of agri-food products of Serbia–AgriCOM is signed. Start: 29-09-2020 – End: 28-09-2023 Project Reference: 620128-EPP-1-2020-1-RS-EPPJMO-MODULE

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Kick off meeting

26/11/2020 kick off meeting for coordinators of Jean Monnet projects was realised. For the project team AgriCOM coordinator of the project dr. Bojan Matkovski was participated.

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